Our purpose is to fulfil the extraordinary human and spiritual potential of each student. As they grow up we offer them the knowledge and skills necessary to engage creatively in the lifelong task of growing to human and spiritual maturity.
‘Young people are that part of humanity, so dear to God and so rich in promise’ (St John Bosco)
Only when a school radiates an atmosphere of deep appreciation, mutual respect and genuine affection can excellent academic, spiritual, moral and physical education take place.
‘It is not enough for young people to be loved they must know that they are loved’. (St John Bosco)
We see education as fundamentally part of a spiritual quest, to which all teaching and learning contributes. We offer our students the experience of being part of a living Catholic community, where faith, life and learning are integrated. We prepare them to become valuable members of society, able to earn their living and contribute to the common good. Prayer, worship and the sacraments form the context for Religious Education and encourage the engagement of students in practical outreach to those less fortunate than themselves.
‘Our aim is to enable young people to become honest citizens and good Christians, able to earn their own bread.’ (St John Bosco)
Our school is committed to achieving the highest standards of learning and teaching for all its students. Every student will be offered the teaching, guidance and support necessary for them to achieve the highest standards that they are capable of. Regular assessment, target setting and reviews will enable students, parents governors and staff to check on their progress and promote the highest standards.
‘For you I work, for you I study, for you I am prepared to offer my whole life’. (St John Bosco)
Extra-curricular activities promote genuine inter-personal dialogue between adults and the young and are the key to excellent education. Both staff and students will be open to listening and learning, engaging together in exploring their knowledge and deepening understanding of the new horizons that our world constantly presents.
‘To lead young people you must be prepared to enter through the things that they enjoy.’ (St John Bosco)