Curriculum Offer

Curriculum Intent Statement 

The purpose of the curriculum at St John Bosco College is to help pupils to:

Develop Respect:
  • develop a personal, moral and respectful appreciation for shared values, cultures and religions which provide opportunities to celebrate equality and diversity in their lives and communities
  • take their place in society as good Christians, honest citizens, able to earn their bread in the 21st century
  • develop a person that challenges themselves, takes responsibility for their mistakes and weaknesses, always in the spirit of acceptance and forgiveness
Foster Understanding: 
  • cultivate the knowledge and skills that fosters expertise over time, allowing them to fulfil their potential, and provide a wide range of opportunity for their future
  • be fully competent, inspired, and passionate in the acquisition and development of their numeracy and literacy skills
  • be actively involved in the shaping of society and the wider world through the pathways of future employability
  • Develop a critical awareness of life in 21st century Britain and be actively involved in the shaping of society and the wider world through the pathways of future employability
Nurture Affection: 
  • appreciate human achievements and aspirations through studying the best that has been said and done
  • equip students to be solution seeking and independent in their learning by establishing lively, imaginative and enquiring minds
  • understand and practice the gospel values of love and forgiveness for one’s neighbour
Encourage positive Humour: 
  • celebrate success and promote creativity and resilience in time of challenge
  • to grow in the ability to communicate positively and effectively
  • celebrate an ethos in which every individual is valued and where good relationships between all stakeholders underpin success
Curriculum provision

Our curriculum provision is designed to meet the aspirations, interests and needs of our pupils and the developments in this area provides a broad, balanced and relevant spectrum of learning opportunities to allow students to gain the qualifications needed to progress to university, college, an apprenticeship or their chosen career. We do this within the school ethos of RUAH, through fostering Respect, Understanding, Affection and Humour.

Our curriculum provision is reviewed annually to inform planning and provision for subsequent years. Alongside the taught programmes of study for each subject area, we offer an extensive extra-curricular provision that includes amongst others: drama, programming, a variety of sports, cooking, art, literacy events, gardening and various musical activities. In additional to this pastoral support, assemblies, and themed events deliver wider spiritual, moral and social themes including E -safety, healthy relationships, Education in Human Love, British values and careers education. These are mapped out across our curriculum areas to ensure continuous coverage of these vital aspects of each pupil’s

A detailed overview for each subject area, as well as detailed term by term breakdowns of content for each subject are published on the school website to support both students and parents in understanding the overall journey of our curriculum.

On entry to KS3 all pupils are tested and grouped according to their aptitudes and abilities. All pupils study the following: English, Mathematics, Science, RE, Technology, PE, Geography, History, MFL (French, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish), Music, and Art. For those students for whom English is not their first language there is English as an additional language (EAL) provision. Provision for pupils to study Computing and PSHE is delivered through drop-down activities and/or mapped across other curriculum subjects.

Our pupils begin their KS4 studies in year 9 with GCSE material being taught across the full range of subjects. At the end of Year 9, pupils opt to specialise in a narrower range of courses Level Two (GCSE or equivalent) qualifications best suited to their needs and abilities.

All KS4 pupils follow courses and are expected to sit exams in English Language, English Literature Mathematics, Science, Physical Education and Religious Studies

Students also choose three optional subjects from: Art, Business Studies,  Food Technology, Geography, History, Modern Foreign Language (Spanish, Italian, French, Portuguese and Polish), Product Design, Music, Media, Psychology and Sociology

Some students will also have the opportunity to sit GCSEs and A Levels in their home (community) languages where appropriate. Other GCSE option subjects may be added to the KS4 offer according to pupil demand/need. We offer an extensive range of subjects at KS5, each being taught by subject specialists.

As a Roman Catholic College, Religious Education is central to our curriculum and accounts for 10% of teaching time in KS3 and KS4 (working towards RE GCSE) and 7% at KS5 (working towards the EPQ qualification).

Curriculum allocations 

A detailed breakdown of the proportion of curriculum time allocated to each subject in KS3 and KS4 can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Homework and revision policy


Homework at SJBC takes the form of  revision and recall tasks to support with the development of their learning and supports our students in preparing for their low stakes tests and end of term assessments

Homework refers to tasks given to pupils by their teachers to be completed outside of usual lessons.  Common homework activities in secondary schools include completing tasks assigned in lessons, preparing for tasks in future lessons, routine coursework, and revision for tests and examinations. Our definition also includes activities such as ‘homework clubs’ where pupils have the opportunity to complete homework in school but outside normal school hours, and ‘flipped learning’ models, where pupils prepare at home for classroom discussion and application tasks.

Homework and Revision at Key stage 3 – To develop:

- Class teachers will set homework for the students in their classes based around revision of content already covered. This could take the form of additional reading, quizzes, learning new vocabulary in context, making key notes, or completing an addition task related to the learning of a topic. The purpose of this homework is to prepare and revise for low stakes test that take place in class every two weeks and for the summative assessments that take place at the end of each term.

Homework and Revision at Key stage 4 – To enhance:

- Class teachers will set homework and revision for the students in their classes based on the content that needs to be covered on the GCSE specification. Homework will be based either on a previous or current topic. This could take the form of reading and making notes, self-quizzing, completing a quiz, developing new vocabulary in context, practice exam questions, completing a structured task that further develops their subject specific knowledge and skills.

Homework and Revision at Key stage 5 - To advance:

- Class teachers will set homework and revision for the students in their classes based on the content that needs to be covered on the A Level specification. Homework will be based on a previous or current topic and will be aimed at consolidating the knowledge and skills covered in lessons, advancement of wider reading around the subject matter and mastering the response to this that will be expected in their examination. This could the form of additional reading and note-taking to extend or consolidate knowledge, the setting of an essay or extended writing based task to practice the skill of advance level responses, revising over topics covered for low stakes and summative assessments.

A research-based approach:

- Planned and focused activities are more beneficial than homework which is more regular but may be routine or not linked with what is being learned in class.

- The broader evidence suggests that homework should not be used as a punishment or penalty for poor performance.

- A variety of tasks with different levels of challenge is likely to be beneficial.

- The broader evidence suggests that the quality of homework is more important than the quantity. Pupils should receive specific and timely feedback on homework.

- The purpose of homework must be clearly outlined to the students, so that they are aware of the benefits of completing such tasks. Students at SJBC are aware that the homework that is set is relevant, useful and will beneficial to the development of the knowledge, skills and achievement in each of their subjects.

Homework tasks will be set on Microsoft Teams in the majority, but can also be set on paper.