Headteacher: Paul Dunne Please write to: The Headteacher St John Bosco College, Parkham Street, Battersea London SW11 3DQ e.mail: info@sjbc.wandsworth.sch.uk telephone: 020 7924 8310
For general enquiries about the school, please contact a member of our administrative team: e.mail: info@sjbc.wandsworth.sch.uk
Chair of Governors: Jane Hargrave To contact the Chair of Governors, please email: chairofgovernors@sjbc.wandsworth.sch.uk
Special Education Needs Co-ordinator: Ms Kasia email: SENCO@sjbc.wandsworth.sch.uk
Safeguarding Team email: dsl@sjbc.wandsworth.sch.uk
Social Media: Twitter: @SJBC_London Instagram: sjbc_battersea Facebook: StJohnBoscoCollegeLondon
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