Board of Governors

Board of Governors

Date of Appointment
Appointment End Date 
Jane Hargrave
Chair of Governors
Foundation (Salesian)
Nick Crean
Foundation (Salesian)
Prof John Lydon
Foundation (Salesian)
Fr David O'Malley
Foundation (Salesian)
Fr Mervyn Williams
Foundation (Salesian)
Allan Gardner 
Vice Chair of Governors
Foundation (Diocesan) 24/01/2022 24/01/2026
John Hallmark
Foundation (Diocesan)
Luke Vujnovic
Foundation (Diocesan)
Moira Bennett
Foundation (Diocesan)
Nicholas Potter Co-opted 19/11/2024 18/11/2028
Sam White Co-opted 28/06/2023 27/06/2027
Paul Dunne Headteacher 01/01/2017  
Fiona Norgrove Staff 01/04/2021 31/03/2025
Salvatore Murtas Local Authority 06/12/2023 05/12/2027
Nadege Imankerdjo Parent 20/03/2024 19/03/2028
Derek Allen  Associate Member 28/06/2023 27/06/2027

Committee Membership

Quality of Education Committee
Personal Development 
Resources Committee
RUAH Committee
Headteacher's Performance Management Committee
Pay Committee
3 times a year
3 times a year
3 times a year
3 times a year
Twice a year
As required

Chair: Nick Crean

Chair: Moira Bennett Chair: Allan Gardner Chair: Prof John Lydon Chair: Jane Hargrave Chair: Jane Hargrave
Moira Bennett  Paul Dunne Paul Dunne Paul Dunne Fr Mervyn Williams Paul Dunne
John Hallmark Fiona Norgrove John Hallmark Salvatore Murtas Allan Gardner Fr Mervyn Williams
Luke Vujnovic John Hallmark Jane Hargrave Fr David O'Malley   Allan Gardner
Fr Mervyn Williams Luke Vujnovic Prof John Lydon      
Fiona Norgrove Fr Mervyn Williams Salvatore Murtas      
Nadege Imankerdjo   Nick Potter      
    Fr Mervyn Williams      
    Derek Allen*      
The Chair and Vice-Chair are
ex-officio members

The Chair and Vice-Chair are
ex-officio members

  The Chair and Vice-Chair are ex-officio members    

* denotes Associate Member who are eligible to vote on matters raised at the resources committee

Designated Governor Responsibilities

Designated Governor Role
Safeguarding Governor Jane Hargrave
Deputy Safeguarding Governor Luke Vujnovic
SEND Governor Nadege Imankerdjo

All Governors and advisors meet every term as a Full Governing Body. This is chaired by the Chair of Governors, Jane Hargrave. The Full Governing Body meets following three committee meetings and will have a summary of those meetings presented. Any policies or decisions that require Full Governing Body approval are presented. Confidential matters are discussed in the absence of any members of staff [except the Headteacher]. The meetings take place at school and are usually preceded by Governor Training.  

Governing Body Profiles

Nick Potter - Salesian Foundation Governor

Entered Salesian College Battersea in 1954. House Captain. Football Captain.
Joined the finance industry on leaving London University and worked for Ford Motor Credit and NatWest Group before starting his own business in 1979 specialising in asset finance. Served as a Governor of St Francis Xavier College and Salesian College for some twenty years thirteen of which as Chair Chairman of PPA. Currently Foundation Governor of SJBC and sits on the Resources Committee. Home Parish St Batholemews Norbury

Jane Hargrave - Diocesan Foundation Governor

I have been Chair of Governors since the school opened in 2011 and before that chaired the Temporary Governing Body. I was a pupil at Salesian School in Chertsey.
I have a degree in Science from the University of Bristol and worked in IT Project Management. I have three grown up children and my husband Ian and I volunteer at the school supporting children with reading and maths. I am a Justice of the Peace in Surrey and have experience in Youth and Adult Courts. I am a volunteer fundraiser for the Princess Alice Hospice in Esher.
I sit on all the Governor subcommittees.
To contact the Chair of Governors, please email:

Allan Gardner - Diocesan Foundation Governor

I attended Salesian College, Farnborough 1981 – 1988. I studied Geography at University College London and then completed a Masters in Transport at Imperial College London. I have worked for London Underground for the last 20 years and currently manage the stations on the Piccadilly Line. I became involved with St John Bosco College in 2010 as a member of the Temporary Governing Body, before being invited to join the current Governing Body shortly after the new college opened. I currently assist on the Resourcing Committee. I am married with three children and am an active member of the St Anselm’s Parish in Tooting.

John Lydon KHS - Salesian Foundation Governor

Educated at St Thomas of Canterbury Primary School and Thornleigh Salesian College Bolton. Graduated from University of Durham BA (Hons) Theology 1982; MA in Catholic School Leadership (University of Surrey) 2001; PhD (University of Surrey) 2011; PGCE (University of Liverpool) 2003; Teachers’ Diploma in Management 1990. Taught in various Salesian Schools, latterly as Assistant Head Teacher at Salesian School Chertsey. Appointed Senior Lecturer in Catholic School Leadership and Acting Programme Director of the CCRS (Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies) St Mary’s University College 2012. Appointed Section 48 Inspector for the Archdiocese of Southwark and the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton 2004. Treasurer of the Catholic Association of Teachers Schools and Colleges (CATSC) and Member of the Executive of the World Union of Catholic Teachers (elected for a second term 2012). Representative of CATSC on the RE Council of England and Wales. Chair of Secondary Heads of RE (Diocese of Arundel & Brighton) 2011. Published author (monograph and articles in International Journals). Foundation Governor of Salesian College Battersea 2002-2011. Invested as a Knight of the Holy Sepulchre (KHS) 2006.

Rev Mervyn Williams SDB - Salesian Foundation Governor

Fr Williams was educated at the Salesian College in Chertsey and joined the Salesians of Don Bosco in 1964. After university study he began teaching Mathematics at the Salesian College in Farnborough in 1969. Theological studies followed at Heythrop College, London University, and he was ordained in 1975. Returning to school ministry he held posts as Head of Department and Head of Sixth Form and for over seventeen years was Headteacher of Thornleigh Salesian College, Bolton, a 1,550 pupil comprehensive school. Since 2002 he has been a trustee of the Salesians of Don Bosco UK and has the responsibility of managing the business of the charity on behalf of the trustees, working full time from the Provincial Office in Bolton.

Fr David O’Malley SDB - Salesian Foundation Governor

Fr David O'Malley SDB has been working with young people for over 50 years. Qualifying as a youth worker in 1971 and as a teacher in 1974, he has worked in Secondary education, residential education, retreat ministry, and scouting, as well as working abroad in social work settings. In 1990, David became national coordinator of the Salesian Youth Network, including training networks and coordinating a national pattern of volunteer communities. In the mid-nineties, he completed an MA in religious experience with the university of Wales. Since then, David has worked as a full-time school chaplain for ten years, was the director of the Salesian retreat centre in Cheshire and is now coordinator of Salesian schools across Great Britain. He is a regular swimmer, a fan of Leicester City and helps link the school to the local community in his role as governor.

John Hallmark 

Wandsworth resident and a member of the congregation at Sacred Heart RC church in Battersea.
Graduate in Economics and an employment background in press, communications and Parliamentary affairs.  Until June 2017, worked as Caseworker to Battersea’s Member of Parliament, Jane Ellison, and now have own company working in press and public relations.
A Wandsworth Councillor for 16 years, Chair of a number of key Council committees as well as a member of the Planning Applications Committee which originally gave the school permission to be built.
A member of the Governing Body at SJBC since summer 2017 though Chair of the Governing Body at Sacred Heart RC Primary School (Battersea) since 2000.

Fiona Norgrove

I grew up in Ireland and moved to the UK to attend university where I completed a Masters in Pharmacy in Norwich. I worked in the NHS as a pharmacist for a year before moving to London to complete my teacher training. SJBC was one of my placement schools during my PGCE, I really enjoyed my time here and applied for a full-time position and have been here since. I am currently teaching science across all key stages, and I am an Assistant SENCO.  

Andy Robertson

Attended the Salesian School Chertsey and was involved running both the parish and school youth clubs. Member of Diocesan Youth Council of Arundel and Brighton with Bishop (later Cardinal) Cormac Murphy-O'Connor and also on the Junior SVP Youth Council
Studied Chemistry at Manchester before transferring to Kingston Polytechnic to read European Business Studies. On graduating ran a film production making a film for Decca Records.
Gained an MBA with a Finance specialisation at Imperial College and moved into treasury in a private banking organisation progressing to become European Treasurer.  Worked for the Bank of Scotland in their distressed assets group and now works as a consultant in regulatory matters in the Banking sector.
Was Chairman of the Imperial Business School Alumni Board for three years, parish chairman for ten years and currently chairs the Help Uganda Trust, The Ashley Park Residents Association and Ken and Marjorie Robertson Charitable Trust.

Luke Vujnovic

I attended Salesian College Battersea 2000 – 2005 and was the school captain in my final year. I am also the current vice-chairman of the Salesian College (Battersea) Past Pupils’ Association.
I studied BA Theology at Heythrop College, London, followed by MA Abrahamic Religions at the same institute. 
I joined the Civil Service in 2012, first joining as a Border Officer and stationed at Heathrow. I then went on to join the Ministry of Defence in 2015 and subsequently seconded to the UK Space Agency in 2017. 
I look forward to serving as a governor at SJBC, undertaking Safeguarding duties and to sitting on Every Child Matters Committee.

Marilin Ospina Cadavid

I was born in Colombia, I moved to London when I was 17 years old. I studied at Queen Mary University where I received my degree in Engineering with Medical Engineering BSc (Hons). I then continued at Southbank University to gain a degree in Forensic Science BSc (Hons).

During my second degree I had my first child, who currently attends Saint John Bosco College. Currently, I work in IT and Finance and being over 20 years a volunteer at the Latin American Chaplaincy as catechist.  I was actively part of the PTFA at the college since my son started 4 years ago. 

I look forward to learn and be able to contribute as much as I can as a governor at SJBC.