
SJBC Assessment Policy

Students  across all three key stages are assessed three times per year, in November, March and July. Assessments follow the same protocols as those in final A Level and GCSE examinations. Pupils take subject exams known as Pre Public Exams (PPE’s) over the course of a week/ten days under exam conditions in the Sports Hall and/or Rua Hall.

We do this to prepare them for their external exams at the end of key stage 4 and 5, by providing a sense of familiarity with the formal regulations experienced in these exams.  Our homework policy is geared towards embedding the right study habits to equip our students with the tools to navigate examinations, the skills to maximise their learning and recall and the confidence to reduce and manage the stress of public examinations. 

The SJBC Assessment Policy  can be downloaded by following the link below.