The Ontological Argument
Problem of evil & suffering
Religious Experience (Part One) Religious Experience (Part Two)
Religious Language (Part One) Religious Language (Part Two) Religious Language Summary
Free Will and Moral Responsibility for AQA A-Level Revision Determinism vs Free Will Compatibilism
Layout of exam
In both sections, questions may span more than one topic. In each two-part question, the first part tests AO1 and the second part tests AO2.
God and Anthropomorphic Language
Secularisation: Christian Pilgrimage Secularisation: Christianity and Wealth
Exclusivism - Inclusivism - Pluralism
How Christianity is influenced by, and has an influence on philosophy of religion in relation to the issues studied.
How Christianity is influenced by, and has an influence on ethical studies in relation to the issues studied.
Section A: Study of religion – two compulsory two-part questions, each worth 10 marks and 15 marks relating to the Christianity. Questions may be set that span more than one topic. In each two-part question, the first part tests AO1 and the second part tests AO2.
Section B: The dialogue between philosophy of religion and Christianity – one unstructured synoptic question from a choice of two (25 marks).
Section C: The dialogue between ethical studies and Christianity – one unstructured synoptic question from a choice of two (25 marks).